Elitis:Dareto be bold, innovate, and act as explorers in the field of furnishing fabrics and wallcoverings, known to be more traditional until now, this is our philosophy. Design very contemporary products and always have an edge on the latest techniques, this could be our motto. Our in-house design department, a hive of activity like that of an experimental laboratory, traces the lines of research, diversity and innovative mixtures.
Elitis: 追尋大膽和創(chuàng )新,在面料和墻紙領(lǐng)域像一個(gè)不斷探索的開(kāi)拓者一樣,設計非常前衛當代且極具藝術(shù)美的產(chǎn)品,并將最新科技應用其中,Elitis的設計部門(mén)像一個(gè)異?;钴S的實(shí)驗室,集研究創(chuàng )新多樣性為一體。